About Me

This page is information about me. For more about getting in contact with me for product reviews- check out Additional Information/Disclosure Policy.

My name is Mimi, I'm 28. I live in northern California with my spouse and our four legged creatures (a goofy GSD and two self absorbed felines). In addition to enjoying life in this part of the US, I usually travel ~8 weeks a year and see a fair bit of the world as well. 

I read each and every comment. I try my hardest to respond back, but sometimes I get caught up on work, school, life. Just know that I appreciate each one. I also appreciate lurkers. Even if you never say anything, that's fine with me! I'm just happy you keep coming back to check out my content.

You probably want to know for comparison's sake that I'm closest to NC20-25 in MAC, my foundation matches include Rouge Bunny Rouge Milk Aquarelle Foundation in Chestnut and The Ordinary 1.2YG.

I have pretty sensitive combination skin with quite a few allergies. I use both products geared towards excess oil and products hydrate very dehydrated skin.


  1. I think that this is a great site! <3

  2. Loving your blog! And I'm also from Minneapolis.

  3. I love your blog so much I read it religiously which is why I am sad that I just realized you live in the Twin Cities and I am moving away from there in 2 weeks! Sad! But please dont ever stop blogging ;) I love your reviews and have found some of the best products! Love it! <3

  4. omgosh you're my coloring twin!! :D

  5. Ah I got so excited about the picture of Muse! I love Muse with all my heart. I have their logo tattooed on my back. I have a blog about Muse and beauty products (and horror movies). Have you ever seen them live??


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