FOTD: New Haircut!
Sunday, June 20, 2010
I'm desperately trying to use up mini sized products, in an attempt to get myself on par with my ProjectPan tally (check the last post for more info about Project Pan). I also finally got that desperately needed haircut, the last time it was cut was... *gulp* a year ago. I know, I'm so bad. The stylist made a tsk tsk sound as he inspected the damage. Luckily, he was able to salvage something out of my split ends!
But wouldn't you know, I ruined that perfect coif the moment I stepped got into the car. You know that commercial with the woman who spends hours at the salon and ruins it by taking the top down on her Jeep? That's me! Go ahead and picture me with my head out the window of a silver Liberty.
Face: Monistat Gel, L'oreal Magic Perfecting Base, MUFE HD, TF Pink Leopard, NARS Concealer duo ginger/custard
Lips: Revlon SL Cherries in the Glow
Eyes: SMH Carnal Knowledge, MAC Prepped for Glamour, LORAC Beige, UDPP, UD 24/7 Zero, Opera Volume Control Mascara
Brows: NYX Brow Powder Taupe/Ash
All products mentioned were purchased by me, for my own use.
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